This year’s Paris Car Show was simply fantastic. It gave us so many impulses that we haven’t seen for a long time. The last time we saw a good international car show was last year’s Brussels Car Show, and the organisers delivered on all fronts.
This was particularly true for this year’s abundance of cool and unusual cars. Initially, we planned to assemble a Top 10 list (like last year), but the show was so good that we could not stop under 20 vehicles.
These cars are all memorable and breathtaking in their own way. Most are concept cars, never intended for actual use but to draw our attention to new technologies. Others are rebuilt following inspirations from movies or past vehicles. And then you have Tesla… : )
In the gallery, we preview them all, but to guarantee some surprises, we will not tell you the list. We had to resort to a gallery article, as most browsers would not handle well in single post the 200+ images that await you, but we tried to make navigation easier. Let us know in a comment if you agree with the choice and also if you would have included other cars from the show. At the end of the article, you may even get to vote!