Home Events Anniversary 110 years of Chevrolet: maybe something overseas? 

110 years of Chevrolet: maybe something overseas? 


This year’s anniversary list includes brands that are partly dormant or on the withdrawal. Chevrolet may have quit the old Continent, but it did not give up yet elsewhere, and its legacy is present in many museums.

Louis Chevrolet and ousted General Motors founder William C. Durant started Chevrolet Motor Car Company 110 years ago, in 1911. The company had a long and momentous history, ultimately ending up as Chevrolet Division of General Motors Company. It was introduced in Europe to sell Korean Daewoo models but suddenly withdrawn to make (market) space for GM’s Opel/Vauxhall Division.

I am not expecting much to happen around Chevrolet in Europe, but that does not exclude a few fancy classic Corvettes showing up at auctions (provided there will be any). Click the article below or scroll to the bottom for the next article!


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